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For every engineer, their passion lies with seeking out and overcoming challenges. Whether that’s on a new project or even a new position, challenges foster an engineer’s career in innumerable ways. Working in the Precast industry allows engineers to confront unique tasks while developing a holistic understanding of the cornerstone of construction.

Precast concrete is produced in a plant-controlled setting and can achieve high levels of concrete compressive strengths, resulting in superior concrete in comparison to a cast-in-place environment. Prestressing strands, in combination with high concrete strengths, have the ability to manipulate concrete by using prestressing techniques. This combination allows concrete members to span farther and carry greater loads.  

The ability to manipulate concrete makes designing prestressed concrete members both challenging and rewarding. Very few structural materials have this unique design methodology, in fact, there are infinite possibilities to create and control precast/prestressed concrete members. This process allows engineers to have the opportunity to work in a highly unique structural design setting.

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Notably, Wells is one of the few precasting facilities that provide a large number of cast concrete members. From double tees to wall panels, beams, columns, planks and stadium risers, our production facilities accommodate buildings solutions for total precast structures in this setting, engineers can apply their design skills to all types of materials, including steel, cast-in-place, and even CMU design concepts.

Many engineers who have been in the field for years find that the precast industry affords them the opportunity to work closely with internal customers, in a way that is dissimilar to other industries. Whether it is in a production environment or collaborating with the design team, engineers can grow their communication and collaboration skills as they meet project needs.

While it may sound difficult to enter this industry, a new candidate with a background in structural and civil engineering is an ideal fit for this role. A course or prior experience in precast is helpful; however, with training and on the job learning, an engineer can learn the ins and outs of the industry quickly and immediately make an impact in the construction market.

With a career in precast, engineers will have a holistic understanding of structural and civil engineering, while designing projects that leave a lasting impact on communities.