A single-source building enclosure like Infinite Facade™ simplifies the entire project from start to finish. Along with its energy savings and sustainable features, Infinite Facade can benefit every partner involved in the process, including the general contractor, architect, engineer and building owner.

Higher Quality

By manufacturing off-site, we are able to install windows systems and insulation in a controlled environment with QC procedures in place to ensure the highest quality possible.

Economical Solution

The inherent design and standardization of the Infinite Facade™ options allows for reduced design and engineering costs in the front-end. The single source solution eliminates scope gaps, while also reducing the need for skilled on-site labor and ultimately provides a significant accelerated schedule – think months, not weeks.

Reduced Risk

Risk is a major element when designing and constructing any new building. Infinite Facade™ helps reduce risk by minimizing site disruptions, creating a safer site and reducing constructability issues.

Accelerated Schedule

Looking to expedite the construction process? The off-site manufacturing of the Infinite Facade™ all-in-one building envelope solution accelerates design schedules, reduces construction documents and automates the construction process resulting in expedited on-site installation and ultimately faster occupancy and ROI.

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