As students returned after summer to High School in Ashland, WI they entered what felt like an entirely new building - but in reality was just a well-planned expansion. While construction spanned the prior school year, off-site manufacturing of Wells quality-controlled precast components allowed for winter erection to meet school year schedule demands.
Located in northern Wisconsin, with temperatures reaching far below zero and heavy snowfall, Ashland students do not have the luxury of year-round outdoor sports, making a large indoor fieldhouse vital. Allowing multi-use recreational activities as well as functioning as a community center, the Wells solution is a beautiful and open fieldhouse with strong walls to endure winds, cold temperatures and any other climatic weather.
The Wells construction solutions surpassed the wants and needs for education administrators by providing a superior precast building that is not only a beautiful facility that will stand the test the time, but also an ideal environment for learning, and highly functional facility. Wells is a prefabricated construction leader and partner in K-12 design and construction, committed to building beautiful education facilities to enhance student success.