Bringing safety to the forefront.
St. Peter Fire Station is a facility that combines aesthetics, functionality, and safety throughout its innovative design. The building features a formliner finish that simulates stone. This unique and visually striking look was developed to match the architectural style of a nearby building, creating cohesion in the surrounding area. Acid etch banding was incorporated into the design, breaking up the textured stone areas and adding a refined, modern touch.
The core of the fire station houses an ICC 500 storm shelter, providing critical safety for the community during extreme weather events. The shelter’s construction benefits from the use of hollowcore concrete for both the roof and mezzanine, which frame the center portion of the building. Precast concrete meets the strict ICC 500 storm shelter requirements. Its inherent strength and durability provided the most effective and efficient solution for ensuring the building could withstand severe weather conditions, making it the best choice for this critical safety feature.

Rising to meet the challenges.
A key construction challenge was integrating breakaway connections between the double tees and the storm shelter to ensure safety during extreme weather conditions to avoid the extra loading required. This design used an open slot connection, allowing the double tees to slide off their bearings during a storm event, protecting the shelter walls. Careful design and engineering ensured this solution met all safety standards without compromising functionality or appearance.
A creative spark.
For a unique design element, Wells used a CNC machine to etch a badge directly into one of the building's panels. Initially, the plan was to simply hang a sign showcasing the fire station’s badge, but Wells collaborated with the team to integrate this feature into the structure itself. This approach added a creative and distinctive touch to the building, making the badge a permanent and integral part of the design.