Elementary expansion.

The growing Minnesota school district, Hutchinson Public Schools, needed an expansion for their West Elementary that included a two-story area for classrooms, a kitchen with a cafeteria, and an ICC 500 gymnasium and storm shelter. The expansion can operate as a stand-alone building and is the home for 2nd and 3rd graders at the school.

The building design incorporates prefabricated concrete materials including hollowcore plank for all the floors, and load-bearing insulated panels for the walls. The exterior of the building is comprised completely of Wells architectural panels and showcases what can be accomplished with multi-finish techniques, including thin brick and unique reveals near the base.

To meet the ICC 500 requirements, the gymnasium was constructed using a total precast building solution to also function as a storm shelter. Double tees make up the ceiling, with an additional 6 inches of concrete laying over the double tees for structural support. The walls of the gym are thicker than the standard walls found in the classroom area, adhering to ICC 500 load requirements. Because of this, the gym can be used as a shelter for students, staff and the surrounding community in cases of severe weather.